DK Mentoring Online

Newsletter ·周报

DK团建啦! End-of-Year Celebration
On Saturday, the teachers and organizers of DK English School met for a celebratory dinner. Attendees included Dr. Deoksoon Kim and Dean Stanton Wortham from Boston College Lynch School of Education and Human Development, the Boston College students who teach for DK English School, and Fernanda Vera-Cruz, ELL Director at Fall River School District.
They discussed their experiences working with students from Fall River in the pilot program and upcoming plans for the summer program. Since students across the district often struggle with academic writing, the summer program includes a boot camp designed to address writing difficulties at the third and fourth-grade level. DK English School teachers participate in weekly 2-hour professional development workshops on Saturdays to learn about structuring and implementing writing curriculum using an SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) approach. Students will learn about the purpose of each genre, read and deconstruct texts together, and create their own texts with audience, language, and other features of the genres in mind.
The event had delicious food and great company! It was clear that all people involved in DK English School are fully committed to prioritizing student needs and interests, and to making learning accessible, fun, and engaging for students.

In the three months since the program started, the program has attracted 52 students from 4 different schools, as well as 21 teachers from Boston College, Harvard University, and Michigan State University. The program is now expanding to high school students abroad as well!


The success of DK English School would not have been possible without the team of dedicated teachers and consistent support from district administrators like Fernanda. Thank you to the whole DK English School team, from the teachers, curriculum designers, to the family liaisons and media creation team, for a successful first semester!


@DK Mentoring Online

1. How to Apply Summer Research

2. How to Write Discussion & Implication
如何撰写论文Discussion & Implication部分

3. Cramming vs. Learning

1. Whole person education talk.

2. Quick update of visa cancellation issue of Chinese students.

More information about this article can be found below and at this link: 
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Contact us if you have any questions

Edited by Hehua Xu


140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, 02467

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